contact us

Use the form on the right to contact us, and we will be in touch to answer your queries.

Are you interested in hosting us for a photoshoot?

Be sure to read our Locations page if you haven't done so already.

East Terrace
Euxton, Chorley, PR7 6TE
United Kingdom

0800 772 3105

MyFoto is portrait photography company based in Lancashire. We specialises in children's Nursery School Photos and Family Portraits within locations such as Primary Schools.

We also take lots of great portraits of children's activities, hobbies and clubs such as dance schools, drama productions or sports teams and martial arts clubs.


Myfoto is a photography portrait company. Visit our blog and see some of the great photoshoots we do in Schools, Nursieries, Dance, Drama and Sports.


Filtering by Tag: Black and White

Nursery Photography in Lancashire


We did some great Nursery portraits this last few weeks in Lancashire where most of our Nursery School clients are,  here is a small selection which we think worked great in black and white. There is something about children's photography done  black and white, that makes the images seem so natural,  the absence of colour somehow means less distraction and the image becomes purely about the child and their personality. 

Lancashire Nursery School Photography
Nursery Toddler Photo Lancashire
Children’s emotions are as real as yours.
Just because they get get sad over the
colour of a cup does not make their
feelings any less real.
— Rebekah Lipp
Smiling Nursery School Photos
Lancashire Nursery School Photos
There are no seven wonders of the world in the eyes of a child. There are seven million.
— Walt Streightiff
Nursery Photo Lancs

If you run a nursery school in Lancashire or Greater Manchester and you want lifetime memories creating for the parents of the children you look after then why not get in touch?